“A life with joy is a human using their reason to enjoy it.“
Ricardo Rojas
I was born in 1969. It happened – a unique year in the human era, more details below – in a little town called Chiclayo, northern Peru.
As part of a hard-working family, my parents were an entrepreneur workaholic father and a math teacher mother.
I was into their lives as the head of the family that was the cultural thinking and rule from my father’s house (part of the tradition of my grandparent). In my Mom’s mind, she just saw me as her son to let him go to discover his path in life to avoid that tradition (similar to thinking of my Mom’s father, a Chinese one whose family fled China).
The year 1969 was unique for my parents, who had the opportunity to get access to the events in the world – as you can see here. As my grandpa, my dad’s father, the benefits of belonging to a high social class were unlimited (at that time, I had no idea what he was talking about). I grew up in two little bubbles, from my grandparents’ big house, in one of the poorest neighborhoods in town, to a high upper-class neighborhood with my siblings and nannies.

Incredibile est vita cum multis experientiis, gaudia et offendat, qui fecit me, melior est homine.

During the first seven years of my life, I had a daily routine where a catholic school, a catholic church, and playing in the park or club were a must. In the following nine years of my life, my Mom implemented fundamental changes in my schedule like learning the English language replacing the catholic church; No more playing in the park or club, and taking extra Math-Physics classes instead; and last but not least, traveling with my Mom to her professional reunions, conferences, and visiting her parents. Additionally, as a bonus, learning how to cook, cleaning my room and washrooms (a big house needs five of those) – all under the supervision of one of the nannies. Those changes were the base that helped me in my new life after high school.
During Christmas, I had a word with my Mom – most of my friends got it from their parents when they finished high school – I was expecting something similar. It was not the case. I just got a bus ticket from my little town to the capital. In the years after high school (in Latinoamerica), I had the most unexpected externalities and would be happy to share them with you in the nearest future.
Una vida increíble con muchas experiencias, alegrías y tropiezos, que me hicieron una mejor persona.
Moving forward, I went through discovery, learning, and having new experiences in Latinoamerica. That was the most exciting and chaotic part of our mystic society. That makes me wonder and question myself for long hours. After years in Latinoamerica, I began learning about new businesses and relearning (almost everything) outside that bubble. The fundamental changes my Mom implemented to my routine, against my father and grandfather’s mindset, helped me see the world from a perspective other than the mystic one in Latinoamerica.
Since then, I have seen, lived, and visited many countries. To read, learn, and relearn their culture, point of view of the world, and philosophy. Side effects of my decisions, which I would post in a later article, were part of the package. But It was worth going through the process of never stopping learning, questioning, or reasoning at every step of my life.
So here I am, living a new life, enjoying every second as much as I can be myself because: “A life with joy is a human using their reason to enjoy it.”